Aufin Protocol a very powerful way to increase profits  Preview These are decentralized financial instruments, also known as digital assets, which were created to allow investors to increase their money while they sleep. The Aufin protocol will use blockchain technology to perform fully automated crypto investment actions. It will be a source of passive income for anyContinue reading “AUFIN”


Sorex is an innovative branch of technology managed by artificial intelligence and uses mathematical extrapolation to predict the evolution of the top 300 cryptocurrencies. This software automatically invests with profits and allows you to earn money while you sleep. And if that’s not good enough, it has a very user-friendly interface that a layman can understand howContinue reading “SOREX”


BRIC Coin is a TRC20 token backed by international remittances from foreign trade. INTRODUCTION Blockchain Definition: Blockchain is a decentralized public ledger. It is a network of computers that have identical copies of a database and change their state (records) to general agreement based on pure mathematics. Blockchain is an immutable shared ledger that facilitatesContinue reading “BRIC COIN”


PumSwap – Decentralized Liquidity Pool Network Greetings my respected followers, Today I will explain the website going any further, I want to tell you first about Cryptoqurrency or Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrency was originally known as a payment system that allows people to make transactions quickly, without third parties, transparently, securely, and anonymously. Satoshi whoContinue reading “PumSwap”


Decentralized Finance (Defi) that brings a world of benefits in the crypto industry, introduction Swault is a cross-chain liquidity manager for ооl and auсtоn tokens backed by a decentralized infrastructure.  We facilitate the purchase and transfer of tokens between blockchains.  All blockchain-cryptocurrency innovations are looking for a decentralized, sensitive-resistant and pre-offered (Emergеnсе OFF) fundraising way.  Moreover, given theContinue reading “Swault”

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